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My name's Zachary Allbritton, but everyone just calls me Zach.


I'm a student at the Gary and Jerri-Ann Jacobs High Tech High, and this portfolio will help demonstrate some of my favorite pieces of work that I have done during my time here. 


I was born and raised in the beautiful and wonderful city of San Diego, California. I grew up with music all around me, which only fueled my deep passion for music to last it as long as I've been around. Everywhere I go, whatever I do, I have some kind of music with me. Be it rock, electronic, house, dubstep, pop, I'll have music. Music has helped me through some rough times in my life, and it has become a crucial part of me. Without it, I would not be the person I am today. I play the guitar, and I occasionally sing and write songs. 


I enrolled in the High Tech High system when I was six years old. I had no experience with Project Based Learning, as I was enrolled in the normal school district system at San Diego. What I found was a whole new way of learning that complemented the way I learn and grow. Textbooks and lectures drove me insane, I couldn't stare at a bunch of words in a book for hours on end, I had to be doing something. At High Tech High, I can. I'm able to get hands-on with the projects I work on on and really learn from what I do. 


Then when I entered high school, I discovered FIRST and The Holy Cows. This opened a whole new path to me that was previously undiscovered. I never stepped onto the STEM fields as much as I did then. In middle school, we barely scratched the surface. In the Holy Cows, I am able to delve deep into STEM and expand my knowledge in those feilds. Through FIRST and the Holy Cows, I was able to regocnize something that I truly enjoyed; Engineering.

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